- Hello! Croeso! ????? Hallo! ??! ¡Hola! Dzien dobry! Bonjour! ?????! γεια σας! -
Welcome to the Language Exchange Club!
We are a society that exchanges culture, languages, traditions and much more! Over the years we had many languages going around and showed us how diverse and vibrant the university is!

We have a Facebook group and Instagram where we update regularly and show pictures of events we held and from sessions that we ran as a society! If you're interested in becoming a member, or you already are, then it's best to check it out! We also have an e-mail address you can use to contact us with any enquiries regarding the society.
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Who are actually the people who run this society?
For this year (2021/2022) Sasha (Poland/Ukraine), Chiragvan (India) and Ada (Poland) are in the committee!

Dan-Paul (UK), Dhar (Portugal) and Fleur (the Netherlands) the comittee for 2020-2021!

Our founders, Amal (from Yemen) and Mariel (from Cyprus) - and later on Shahla (from Sudan), have created this society based on their story of friendship, and how it blossomed as they wanted to learn each other's languages and cultures. This society would not have been possible without them.

We, as a society, are happy to welcome new members, so thank you very much for being interested! Diolch yn fawr!
Important Information:
When do we meet? Every Thursday, 5-7 PM
Where do we meet? In the Forum Room @ The Meeting House, Treforest Campus (next to road leading upwards, beside the print shop). Click here for directions.
Contact E-Mail: uswlec@outlook.com
Facebook Group: The Language Exchange Club (LEC) USW
Instagram: uswlanguageexchange