News Article

Change Week Day 2: Home Rugby Pitch

Day 2 of Change Week is here and today we are looking at the potential of a Home Rugby Pitch at the Sports Park

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Following on from a successful AGM. The Student’s Union are taking the approved proposals and working on them during Change Week. For day 2 of Change Week, we are looking at: Home Rugby Pitch


What is the proposal about?

The proposal was submitted to get the Students’ Union to lobby the university to fund the development of a Home Rugby Pitch to be based at the USW Sports Park and to set up a working group to oversee the viability and development of the proposal within the next academic year.


The proposal was submitted by Jamal Abdilahi, the Activities Officer and Acting President. When asked about the policy Jamal said:


“I believe that it will help bring together the different Sports teams around USW, helping to create an image of a wider USW family within the sport teams.”

-Jamal Abdilahi


Why is the proposal important?

Currently, the University pays for the use of facilities at a local club for Rugby fixtures at an approximate rate of £500 per game. Other Universities across the wider Cardiff area have invested in their own designated pitches for sports at their institutions. USW Sports park already offers an adequate sport facility for students studying sport-related subjects and for use by other sports teams. In order for Rugby and sport in general at USW to develop, there is a need to ensure that there are adequate facilities that make sport more accessible for students to participate in both on the field and off it.   


What is the Students’ Union doing to address the proposal?


  • As part of Change Week, the Students’ Union is working on the proposal ready for Friday, where senior members of the university will hear proposals on how to take the action going forward.


  • In addition, the SU are collecting student feedback on having a home Rugby Pitch and its impact on the student experience. 


To keep up to date with Change Week make sure to keep up to date with our SU Social Media accounts.